Our Projects
All of our projects are completed through a combination of grants and donations, volunteers, and collaboration with the U.S. Forest Service and other partner organizations.
Current Projects

Kirkwood Ranch
First used by Nez Perce and later by settlers in the 1880's, Kirkwood Ranch is rich in Snake River & Hells Canyon history. The Sterling Cabin (built in 1951) houses a small museum, while the 1875 Hanna Cabin, 1925 main house, and the 1920 Carter mansion and barn are still viewable. Visitors are able to access this historic site via raft, jetboat, ATV, or the Snake River Trail.

- Weed treatment
- Road maintenance of road to Kirkwood
- Brushing (blackberries) at boat launch and other areas in the Pittsburg area
- Evaluate the irrigation system at Pittsburg Landing complex
Trail Maintenance
- Trail clearing on approximately 74 miles of river trail along the Snake River on both the Oregon and Idaho side. Watch a video of one of our trail work trips!
- Continued clearing of the Klopten Creek Trail by Idaho Youth Challenge Academy
- Identify funds and resources to complete trail relocation for Dug Bar and Temperance Creek Trails
- Cache Creek & Jim Creek Road Maintenance: Brush out the roads to Cache Creek and Jim Creek
- Site assessment of Jim Creek facilities
- Semi-annual airstrip maintenance
- Maintenance of Christmas Creek, Pittsburg Admin, and Dug Bar facilities
- HCNRA 50th year events for 2025
Future Projects
- Weed treatment
- Weed treatment
- Continue vegetation (blackberries) treatment project
Trail Maintenance
- Continue clearing approximately 74 miles of river trail along the Snake River on both the Oregon and Idaho sides.
- Replace the bridge at Sheep Creek.
- Tryon Ranch site assessment
- Semi-annual airstrip maintenance
- Facility maintenance: Pittsburg Admin, Jim Creek, Christmas Creek, Dug Bar, and Tryon Ranch

Cache Creek Ranch
Cache Creek is a scenic oasis for visitors of the Snake River. A sheep ranch until the 1930s, it now hosts a visitor center, historical and natural interpretive exhibits, and outdoor seating and restrooms. Although primarily accessible by powerboat, Cache Creek also maintains a runway.

Completed Projects

Before & After
Volunteers did an amazing job of restoring the roof and exterior of the bathrooms at the Pittsburg Landing campground.

2024 Completed Work
- Trails: Trail clearing of approximately 74 miles of river trail along the Snake River on both the Oregon and Idaho sides and continued clearing of Klopten Creek Trail.
- Kirkwood: Helped replace 2 bridges across Kirkwood Ranch, treated weeds, and started road maintenance on the road to Kirkwood.
- Pittsburg: Resurfaced (chipsealed) the road and trailer pads at Pittsburg campground.
- Cache Creek: Improved the dock and support system.
- Other: Brushed out the roads to Cache Creek and Jim Creek, maintained airstrip, maintained Christmas Creek, Pittsburg Admin, and Dug Bar facilities.
2023 Completed Work
- Trails: Trail clearing of approximately 30 miles of river trail along the Snake River on both the Oregon and Idaho sides, and continued clearing the Klopten Creek Trail,.
- Pittsburg: Acquired grant to resurface (chipseal) the road and trailer pads at Pittsburg campground, replaced the interior wall covering and dividers in the campground restrooms, removed dead trees in the campground, and treated weeds at Pittsburg Landing Complex.
- Cache Creek: Replaced the docks and support system at Cache Creek administrative site and replaced the decking on the ramp for the Cache Creek dock.
- Other: Completed airstrip maintenance, completed maintenance of Christmas Creek, Pittsburg Admin, and Dug Bar facilities, and purchased 4-wheelers, lawnmowers, and week eaters for facilities maintenance.
2022 Completed Work
- Trails: Trail clearing of approximately 74 miles of river trail along the Snake River on both the Oregon and Idaho sides.
- Kirkwood: Eye bolt boat ties installed at landing site and assisted with the removal of bridge abutments at Kirkwood Ranch.
- Pittsburg: Weed treatment at the Pittsburg Landing Complex and facility maintenance at the admin site.
- Cache Creek and Jim Creek: Road brushing and rock removal on Jim Creek and Cache Creek Road.
- Dug Bar: Site assessment completed.
- Other: River Etiquette video completed.
2020-2021 Completed Work
- Trails: Cleared approximately 74 miles of river trail along the Snake River on both the Oregon and Idaho side.
- Klopten Creek Trail: Cleared
- Cache Creek: Road maintenance and site assessment completed.
- Kirkwood: Burned the brush pile at Kirkwood administrative site on the Oregon side and site assessment completed.
- Pittsburg: Site assessment completed, repaired the water system that had been out of operation for five years, the exterior and roof of the restrooms were restored, the campground was cleaned up, and the parking lot was resurfaced.
- Other: Hells Canyon Boat Launch & Dock: Repaired the Hells Canyon boat launch and replaced the dock.